Happy New Year! Just wanted to stop by and update you all on the MAJOR CHANGES coming to The Write Track in 2018. I've started a blogging schedule and will be uploading posts every Monday and Saturday, currently. As I settle into this groove, the uploading may become more frequent, but for right now, I'm pacing myself. I've got so much content to put out this year, and I hope to draw in more readers and subscribers! I want my blog to be a fun and relaxed place where I can share my ideas, and where you can share your thoughts in the comments. For the last six months or so, I've neglected my blog a bit since I started a full time 9-5 office job (snooze), and I apologize for the lack of content...this year, I'm planning to be more disciplined and inspired, and already, the blogging vibes are coming on strong! Get ready for guest bloggers, interviews, video posts, and so much more. Join me in this season of newness and growth and wintery wishes as we ce...